i pine for my people partying in the pines of the pacific northwest
i specifically did not call my mom while she had the whole family at her house for thanksgiving. the phone gets passed around to everyone, we exchange superficial small talk and i get all resentful that they are all together without me. it sucks sucks sucks to be so far from home. so i saved that 'poor me, i'm all left out' feeling for this afternoon.
my dream is for dah and i to have the groove that would allow me to take the kids to mom's for most of the summer. it won't happen next year as i have courses to take to earn the 'highly qualified' credential for my teaching position. but perhaps someday. for now i'll content myself with the memories so far. like this one, my niece knitting in her wetsuit. i'm helping her to salvage the hat she started months prior. the hat turned out great but the other pic got lost somewhere between the cell phone and the computer 'cause i'm not sure what i'm doing with the whole pix message thing.
seriously though; me, lonely on thanksgiving? not likely.