knit at nite

some entries about knitting and family to keep myself motivated at projects and the daily grin, i mean grind.


man knitting sighting - once removed

there is a cute teacher at wesley school in middletown. today i spotted her sporting a martha poncho. i asked her, "is that a martha poncho you have on?". "yes" was the reply. some follow up conversation revealed that it was crocheted, not knit. she was not the crafter, a relative was. when encouraged to share with said relative (referred to by me as she/her) that the poncho was both recognized and admired by a fellow knitter, she corrected me, divulging that a male relative had made it. she went on to describe how he arrived with a giant hefty filled with ponchos at a family gathering. he knit enough ponchos for all the female relatives: sisters, nieces et. al. isn't that cute?

how's that for some gift crafting inspiration.


At 5:20 PM, Blogger Amy said...

Always cool to hear of men knitting. My 4yo son is begging me to teach due time.
My daughter attends Wesley school~how weird is that? For some reason I thought you were out towards the Avon way.
(I know we've never met, but I go to Newington S&B when I can on Wednesdays and I've been on the Hartford area and Newington lists for awhile. I should be able to go tomorrow, hopefully!)


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