knit at nite

some entries about knitting and family to keep myself motivated at projects and the daily grin, i mean grind.


you ain't done 'till you've finished

ugh! those blasted sweaters! i want the boys to wear them out west. do you think i'd work on stitching them together? no! i cast on for the pitcher of the fiesta tea set instead! i wanted something small to work on for stitch and bitch last night in case there was no room for finishing at the tables. good call. there were five of us. which isn't a bad turnout for our group.

i struggled with the base of the pitcher. i've never knit with dpns. the round knitting with all the little increases all over.... 'fiddly', as i've heard in reference to this project, is an understatement. then came the cable cast on -what? another learning experience. and finally, the icord horizontal stripe to edge the bottom of the piece. HUNH? chris smiled wryly in my direction as i struggled and restarted a few times. i apologized for my antisocial behavior that was muttering to myself with by head buried between those tiny needles. she said no need as it was entertaining enough to watch me. so, in the 2 hours i was there i managed to icord stripe one needle's worth, that would be 18 of the 54 stitches in one round. i pleaded for someone to stay with me just to reach that point. chris and jen obliged. thanks ladies.

i thank modesitt for giving me the opportunity to learn so much through her pattern, which i feel great satisfaction in having mastered even such a small portion of. when i got home i cruised through the rest of the icord and now i'm in the easy peasy stockinette section. fun! we'll see if i have five pieces in me.


At 7:11 PM, Blogger alison said...

Best of luck with the tea set! Sounds like you've gotten through the rough beginning stages. You can do it!


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